Thursday, August 4, 2016 / by Ryan Critch
Today, more and more sellers are stepping back, taking a look at the advice real estate professionals give them, and asking themselves whether they can trust that advice. And that is exactly what they should do.
The most important question you can ask when you are choosing a real estate agent is whether you feel you can trust them. You must know that they’re giving you great advice, and that they’re going to be able to help you accomplish your family’s goals. You must trust your listing agent enough to allow them to:
> Handle the liquidation of possibly the largest asset your family has
> Help set the market value of that asset (get the price right)
> Set the timetable for the liquidation of that asset
> Set a fair fee for the services required to liquidate that asset
All four of these require a tremendous amount of trust. They’re going to sell your prized possession, set its value, set a time schedule as to when your family will b. ...
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Wednesday, August 3, 2016 / by Ryan Critch
According to the latest Census Bureau Report, sales of newly constructed homes soared to new heights in June to a seasonally adjusted rate of 592,000. This marks the highest annual rate in 8 years.
Trulia’s Chief Economist, Ralph McLaughlin had this to say:
“New home sales jumped sharply in June, and marked the best month since February 2008. This is a continued sign that demand for homes remains solid and aptly reflects increasing homebuilder confidence.”
Sales have been climbing consistently over the last six months as shown in the graph below.
One of the many reasons why many homeowners turn to the new homes market to find their dream home is due to the lack of existing homes for sale. As we have mentioned before, buyer demand is outpacing the supply of homes for sale at record rates.
Bottom Line
If you are a homeowner who is debating listing your home for sale this year, now may be the time. Let’s get together to h ...
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Tuesday, August 2, 2016 / by Ryan Critch
No matter what shape or size your living space is, the concept and feeling of home can mean different things to different people. Whether it’s a certain scent or a favorite chair, the emotional reasons why we choose to buy our own home are, more often than not, the more powerful or compelling ones.
Every year, The Joint Center for Housing Studies at Harvard University conducts a survey to find driving factors behind why Americans decide to buy a home.
The top 4 reasons to own a home cited by participants of the survey were not financial.
1. It means having a good place to raise children & provide them with a good education
From the best neighborhoods to the best school districts, even those without children at the time of purchase may have this in the back of their mind as a major reason for choosing the location of the home that they purchase.
2. You have a physical structure where you & your family feel safe
It is no surprise that having a . ...
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Monday, August 1, 2016 / by Ryan Critch
Many people wonder whether they should hire a real estate professional to assist them in buying their dream home or if they should first try to go it on their own. In today’s market: you need an experienced professional!
You Need an Expert Guide if You Are Traveling a Dangerous Path
The field of real estate is loaded with land mines. You need a true expert to guide you through the dangerous pitfalls that currently exist. Finding a home that is priced appropriately and ready for you to move in to can be tricky. An agent listens to your wants and needs, and can sift through the homes that do not fit within the parameters of your “dream home.”
A great agent will also have relationships with mortgage professionals and other experts that you will need in securing your dream home.
You Need a Skilled Negotiator
In today’s market, hiring a talented negotiator could save you thousands, perhaps tens of thousands of dollars. Each step of the way – fr ...
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Friday, July 29, 2016 / by Ryan Critch
Some Highlights:
- Existing home sales have accelerated to the highest pace since February 2007 at an annual pace of 5.57 million.
- Inventory of homes for sale remains below the historically normal 6-month mark at a 4.6-month supply, down 5.8% year-over-year.
- Median home sales prices rose to $247,700, 4.8% higher than a year ago and replaced the previous peak in May of $238,900. ...
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